Monday, November 26, 2012

Preparing for Him


It's almost here.  I have some ideas.  One I'll share now, one closer to the end of the week.

Two or three years ago, Brad and I started sharing the tradition of an Advent wreath.  It brought us closer to God, quieted us down, and we had some great talking prayer times after we did each week's reading.  Its value impossible to calculate.

This past week, I decided to start an open facebook group to encourage others to share in this practice and/or to share their own Advent wreath traditions.

If you haven't seen it, or if you've seen it but haven't yet joined, please click on over and say you're with us.  The idea of many family and friends, and even a stranger who found this group via Pinterest, sharing readings each Sunday evening simply causes us to feel united and closer to God.

Be there with us?


  1. OK, I don't have the wreath but I do have the candles and a candle holder. I'm in.

  2. I joined and will share your link on Friday. I haven't dug my wreath out yet, though...


I'd like to be humble and say I only blog to record the doings of my life, but really, I blog for conversation, and I would love to hear from you. It's okay if you don't agree with me, that's what makes life interesting.